Missionary thoughts

Hey, my name is Elder white, i'm a missionary for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. I love serving the lord in the New York Rochester Mission! I'm a writer, a martial artist, a physics, chemistry, and computer science major; and I just love to learn new things! These are the questions of mine, and i'm sure many other people' souls.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why do we need the book of Mormon?

As a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I'm asked alot of times by friends, family, and yes; the occasional investigator will ask this; what do we need the Book of Mormon for?

I will attempt to answer in simplicity the real extent to which we need the Book of Mormon. Please bear with me as i'm not a perfect teacher, and so therefore do not always say things in the most simple of ways.

Now, for those of you who have questioned sincerely what do I need with the book of Mormon, one need look no further then Isaiah for the answer. In isaiah 6:9-13 As we can see Isaiah a Prophet in the old testament, was commanded to speak in such a way that his speech would be beyond the understanding of any who read his words. Much as was done with many other old testament prophets. A book of mormon prophet named Jacob taught his people plainly as to why this is he states in Jacob 4:14 As we can see from these two scriptures, the bible, although a wonderful source of spiritual enlightenment, and revelations of god. It is written in a language totally foreign to those that deal in plainess. It is, the best place anyone should go, for a record of the beggining of the human family, a book chalked full of the revelations of God to his anceint covenant people. Facts I would never dispute, nor is it my intention to tell you that the Book of Mormon is a better source of learning then the Bible.

However, what I would like to say, is that the book of Mormon, was written by the ancient inhabitants of the america's, for our day! Its predated to 600 BC, durring the time of Jermiah's prophecying. God, specifically instructed the Book of Mormon prophets to write in plainess, as Nephi proclaims, "My soul delighteth in plainess". These prophets words were given, as a way for the lord to reclaim both Jew and Gentile. To give unto the people what they really needed, when they stopped asking for things they could not understand, then he would grant unto them the plainess of his teachings.

Secondly, the Book of Mormon fufills many of the prophecies found in the Bible, to name off a few, but to be short in writting I will only give you the books and some of the reffrences, and will let you look them up if you so wish. Note:I've also included in this post the relevance of the scriptures as well. Ezekiel 37:15-17 The Book of Mormon was written by a group that are of the tribe of Ephraim. Isaiah 29 The book of Mormon is the voice of a people brought down low into the dust, because the ones who wrote the thing experienced anniahlation. Psalms 89 The book of Mormon was a book literally found burried in a hill. "Truth springing up from the ground", and many other prophecies, such as the one found in matthew 13 where christ says that the kingdom of heaven is likened unto the seed of a mustared tree, or a treasure in a field, Leaven which was hidden in three meassures of meal, and a seed that a man sewed ina field. For the Book of Mormon, was litterally sewn in a field of tree's. It was most deffinitely a treasure waiting to be found, (Joseph smith himself giving up all worldly persuits to bring fourth and testify of the Book of Mormon); it gained its strongest support from the leaven, or testimony of three special witnesses who litterally saw the angel moroni, and the plates of which have been spoken. The book was harrold in by the calling of angels, "Birds come to nest in the branches there of" not to mention John in his inspiried writings in the book of Revelations 14 "I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the evelasting gospel". As we can see from these and many more prophecies, like the ones in Malachi of the lords words hissing fourth, the book of Mormon is most deffinitely needed in this dispensation. Any one who sincerly questions, and wishes to know of the truthfullness of it for themselves, need look no further, then to ask God the Eternal father, truely desiring the answer of it, through humble and sincere prayer. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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