I would love to go on and on about the atonement, so I've taken the liberty of breaking this up, so that this blog doesn't get too long!
Through Jesus Christ, our older brother and savior, we learn of something called the "Atonement". Broken up, it literaly is "At, one, ment" which is to say, that we as children of our Heavenly Father, sometimes are estranged to him through sin. That is to say, we draw away from him as we sin. However, our Father in Heaven, lovingly provided us a way to return to him, even when we are estranged to him, through his atonement. Isaiah 1:18, our sins are as scarlet, but they become white as snow, or as wool throught he atonement of Jesus Christ; and Jesus Christ was so loving, he was willing to do it for us. He didn't have to do that for us either! To often I think we over look our Saviors title, as redeemer! We are as a precious jewel, when we sin we detract from our over all value, but through the atoneing power of Jesus Christ, our value is restored to us, and we are "Bought with a price". An example in my own life, and I don't mean to get to personal with it, but recently I had a fight with one of my siblings! We disagree on alot on somethings, particularly religion; so some words were said, and we both got mad at eachother. We were both too stubborn to listen to what the other one had to say, well, as I humbled myself and appologized to this sibling, this sibbling was looking for a way back as well. I appologized for my stubornness, and this sibbling asked me if we could just establish a system, if either of us gets too preachy, then we just tell the other one, and we both stop! As we established this system, and (Digitally) embraced eachother through the arms of sibling love, I felt the cleansing power of the atonement wash over me! I knew that our savior loved us both, and has redeemed us both, because he loves us so much. Through our pride, we had degraded ourselves, but through the atonement we were able to be cleansed of our sins, and to be brought back to our Father in love!
Alma 7:13 christ has suffered all that we might be cleansed from our sins and iniquities, he loves us so much that he wishes only for us to return to him! I know that we can be cleansed every whit, from our sins and iniquities, its my prayer that we will use this power to rise triumphant and stand before god, cleansed and holy! May we all bear his image in our countence, and bear the love that both Jesus Christ and our heavely Father have given us. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
I just reread this message to my wife and we BOTH like what has been said. Would it be alright if I copied this story and passed it on on my facebook page and other places?? Thanks for postimg this!!