Jesus christ, our lord and savior said; "I am sent to call the sinners, not the righteous to repentance, the whole need no physician". As I ponder this christmas season, I can't help but think that I haven't been the best example that I could be too my family! True, i've fought with them; I've yelled at them, I have good times, and bad times with them. But as I reflect back on these times, I realize, What have I done for those I love, whom have strayed from the gospel plan?
Please, don't misunderstand what I am saying; this has nothing to do with you being a bad person. After all, I firmly believe that there are plenty of good things about you, with out tools like; the book of Mormon, the plan of Salvation! But I would speak to you, on this wonderful book that is called "The Book Of Mormon". Its a wonderful book, full of wisdom of an ancient people whose descendants we are! I am half cherokee, and appachee, which; if you do a little digging, they are one and the same with the navajoo, so therefore I am half cherokee and navajoo! We are half lamanite! We share this proud heritage,but have we fully accepted the promises, and privliges extended to us? We have been promised to become a great people, to be a new Jerusalem! If only, we will accept the gospel of Jesus Christ in its fulness. The book of mormon does that for us! It gives us the doctirines of Jesus Christ, it gives us examples of what happens when you fail to follow these principles, or if you hold out faithful. It promises us blessings, and truth to light our path should we choose to follow its guides. Allow me to cite the scripture found in Moroni 10:3-5 which states" Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down untill the time that ye shall recieve these things, and ponder it in your hearts. And when ye shall recieve these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things". I beg you, as did moroni of old, look not upon me in my weakness and scoff, but come unto christ. Get on your knee's, asking God the Father, through your humble prayer, to enlighten your mind, and teach you of all things concerning his doctirine. Ask him to tell you of the Book of mormon, and weather it is true or not. Thank him for blessings shown, and all things you have, that are dear to your life. Then end in the name of Jesus Christ. Recieve a testimony of these things for yourself, by not relying on the wisdom and powers of preception of man, but relying wholly on the powers of God, who will show you all things what you should do! The way is given that all man maybe saved, its made conditional upon our asking, and truely wanting to know. God respects our ability to choose, and will not force an answer on us that we do not desire, even if it be right! Please, call upon god, and ask for his help. He has all power to perform his words! I know its true, and I love you all! In the name of Jesus Christ amen.
-Elder White
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